3 research outputs found

    Directed Multicut with linearly ordered terminals

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    Motivated by an application in network security, we investigate the following "linear" case of Directed Mutlicut. Let GG be a directed graph which includes some distinguished vertices t1,…,tkt_1, \ldots, t_k. What is the size of the smallest edge cut which eliminates all paths from tit_i to tjt_j for all i<ji < j? We show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parametrized in the cutset size pp via an algorithm running in O(4ppn4)O(4^p p n^4) time.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Producing Hook Placements to Enforce Expected Access Control Policies

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    Abstract. Many security-sensitive programs manage resources on behalf of mu-tually distrusting clients. To control access to resources, authorization hooks are placed before operations on those resources. Manual hook placements by pro-grammers are often incomplete or incorrect, leading to insecure programs. We advocate an approach that automatically identifies the set of locations to place authorization hooks that mediates all security-sensitive operations in order to en-force expected access control policies at deployment. However, one challenge is that programmers often want to minimize the effort of writing such policies. As a result, they may remove authorization hooks that they believe are unneces-sary, but they may remove too many hooks, preventing the enforcement of some desirable access control policies. In this paper, we propose algorithms that automatically compute a minimal authorization hook placement that satisfies constraints that describe desirable ac-cess control policies. These authorization constraints reduce the space of en-forceable access control policies; i.e., those policies that can be enforced given a hook placement that satisfies the constraints. We have built a tool that implements this authorization hook placement method, demonstrating how programmers can produce authorization hooks for real-world programs and leverage policy goal-specific constraint selectors to automatically identify many authorization con-straints. Our experiments show that our technique reduces manual programmer effort by as much as 58 % and produces placements that reduce the amount of policy specification by as much as 30%.

    Transforming commodity security policies to enforce Clark-Wilson integrity

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    Modern distributed systems are composed from several offthe-shelf components, including operating systems, virtualization infrastructure, and application packages, upon which some custom application software (e.g., web application) is often deployed. While several commodity systems now include mandatory access control (MAC) enforcement to protect the individual components, the complexity of such MAC policies and the myriad of possible interactions among individual hosts in distributed systems makes it difficult to identify the attack paths available to adversaries. As a result, security practitioners react to vulnerabilities as adversaries uncover them, rather than proactively protecting the system’s data integrity. In this paper, we develop a mostly-automated method to transform a set of commodity MAC policies into a system-wide policy that proactively protects system integrity, approximating the Clark-Wilson integrity model. The method uses the insights from the Clark-Wilson model, which requires integrity verification of security-critical data and mediation at program entrypoints, to extend existing MAC policies with the proactive mediation necessary to protect system integrity. We demonstrate the practicality of producing Clark-Wilson policies for distributed systems on a web application running on virtualized Ubuntu SELinux hosts, where our method finds: (1) that only 27 additional entrypoint mediators are sufficient to mediate the threats of remote adversaries over the entire distributed system and (2) and only 20 additional local threats require mediation to approximate Clark-Wilson integrity comprehensively. As a result, available security policies can be used as a foundation for proactive integrity protection from both local and remote threats. 1